(pictured: Palma Pascale and Martin Nievera)
The trip to Atlantic City from Long Island, I am told, took just at 2 1/2 hours, which went quickly and was most pleasant....the trio listened and enjoyed Martin's "Souvenirs" CD during that trip, all of them feeling he truly has amazing talent, and is an incredible artist.
I understand everyone was a bit disappointed in Atlantic City, itself. I had told Palm that Ann and I had traveled to Atlantic City a few years ago, and found it to be most depressing - even "dirty looking." It was gloomy the day we went - cool and overcast with just a bit of mistiness in the air, so I thought perhaps that might have something to do with our dislike of it. But apparently, these three felt much the same way. Tacky, dumpy, and gaudy. I got a more verbal description of it from Palm, but I won't print that here. It was funny, though!
Here's a photo of "Handle Pullin' Palma"
After a bite of lunch, they went into the show area. Martin hit the stage right at 2 pm sharp, without fanfare or intro! I'm told he was, in a word, amazing! His performance was as hard hitting as, say Celine Dion, Michael Buble', and/or my acquaintance and Rock N' Roll hero, Billy Joel. Have you seen any of these talented individuals in concert???? I HAVE - and they are more than amazing. Hard hitting, and they each make you know you're being thoroughly entertained! And how! And I'm told that Martin was in excellent voice and did a phenomenal show.
In addition to his great sense of humor that ran off the cuff throughout the entire show, the show ran a solid 2 hours and 20 minutes, without an intermission. Martin gave his all.
Here is a photo of Martin on stage at the House of Blues, Atlantic City, November 9, 2008
When Martin was singing LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, Palm enjoyed seeing the people she could see as they sang the chorus with Martin. I'm told it was just a beautiful moment. Also, when Martin introduced Palm and asked for her to stand up, of course she did, then she sent kisses to the audience... and I'm told she's always loved to do that!!! I can picture it, and I just know those people loved that she did it!! I had said to her that I thought she would be amazed at whatever emotions came up and to expect that they would as she listened to her intro by Martin, and then him singing one of HER songs - and I understand she was truly thrilled! Frank told me that it was truly a beautiful few moments.
Martin later told them that had he known where Palm was sitting, he would have had her come on stage...although he was 5 feet up, so it would have been quite a pick-up from down below. Had she been a bit closer in the first place, he would have had her come on from backstage. Martin told me in recent correspondence that he is, indeed, a hopeless romantic.....perhaps had it worked out for Palm to have been on stage, he might have sung "to" her. We each think this would be true. Undoubtedly.
Though I believe that Palma would have loved to be able to see the faces of the people there all singing the chorus of LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, she was literally enveloped in the sound of all of them singing on that chorus with Martin - such a gratifying experience for anyone in that position I would guess. I know Palma appreciated this huge nod to her musical creation.
It had been prearranged that Palm and Frank were to meet up with Martin backstage after the show, per Martin's request, but I understand that Ching (the individual who booked Martin into the House Of Blues in the first place, and who worked out all the details for Palm and Martin to meet) was nowhere to be found when the show was over, probably having been caught by someone, hence not allowing her to find them, so the three of them made their way backstage on their own. (It should be mentioned here that the prearrangement I speak of was done at the Meet & Greet that Palm, Frank and Fred Guarino all attended the prior Thursday at Martin's invitation, held in Queens, NY. It was quite a fun evening, and Palma and Martin had an opportunity to get to know each other a bit. It was here that Martin received some wonderful recordings, with many of Palma's pop tunes for him to enjoy. And enjoy, I believe he certainly did).
So, to continue, once past security, they found the entourage, and Martin. He left his group and walked over, seeing Frank and giving him a big handshake, then he embraced Palma and at that moment, he told her how MUCH he likes another of her songs, WHAT THE OCEAN KNOWS. Unbelievable that, after all the time Martin had just spent on stage, and all those people "pawing" at him, that he remembered when he saw Palm to tell her how much he likes that song. I find that incredible - and way, way cool! Martin needed to leave them at that moment, but asked them to please join him in his suite for the after party, which they were happy to do.
Palma and Jackie went on up to the suite, while Frank waited with the rest of the entourage. There he was able to chat with Ching's husband, Ramon (both of these individuals are physicians) and they discussed Martin's career, everyone hoping for that "SMASH HIT SINGLE" here in the USA. (How convenient, eh? GREAT timing, me thinks).
Of course, Frank was very encouraging to him, and told him that all of us would do whatever we could to help make that happen. Meanwhile, Frank was observing Martin, and how genuine and kind he was to his fans. How cool!
Frank went on to say that everyone that surrounded Martin was so nice, friendly, and generous. I'm happy to hear this information, truly. If Palma is going to be involved with Martin on a business level, which I believe she will definitely be, I'm glad to know how nice everyone is, knowing they will treat her nicely, too.
Frank made it to the party about an hour after Palma and Jackie went up, and she had already ingratiated herself with everyone there. THEY LOVED HER, and of course, they all wanted to discuss LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, and tell her what they loved about it. She was a most happy composer.

Ching told Frank to be sure and EAT, and he said that at that point, Martin began working the room, chatting up this person and that. After a time, he told Frank to come sit by him. Taking the opportunity, Frank told Martin more information about Palm's catalog of songs, including one that she had been working on for him, but hadn't finished, yet. He told Frank "Send me MP3's." He also told Frank he loved Palm's tune BEFORE THE FALL. (Read more about BEFORE THE FALL, in my prior post!)
After chatting with the band members, Palma joined the two of them. Frank basically facilitated the conversation, first telling one what the other had said about the music, and vice versa. Back and forth they went, and because Frank was "ring leading" each learned a lot about the other. Thank you Frank for being that great facilitator - the important "middle man." I know how that feels, and actually, it's not a bad position to take, eh? Funny, since the prior Thursday night, he'd already committed the melody and some of the words to BEFORE THE FALL to memory, and began singing it to Palma. How awesome!!
Martin was quite generous with his time, and spent a good deal of it talking with the two of them. The Filipino community is a tight community, and it was good to know that they all gave the impression that they felt this new relationship would be a good boost to Martin. YES! I feel certain it will be.
They left Atlantic City both happy and encouraged, yet this story doesn't end there.
Both Frank and Palm knew HOW MUCH I would have loved to have been at that show. Of course they are aware that Martin and I correspond with each other, as we typically share our messages when it comes to Martin's career and Palma's involvement in it. I was DELIGHTED about the outcome of this - I mean, it's what I have worked on for three years now - the "right someone" to begin recording Palma's songs as their own. I have a very good feeling that Martin is that "right someone." I believe this whole thing is in Divine Order - it all came together so perfectly - everything seemed to be right in this entire situation.
Frank called me twice on that day to keep me posted as to what was going on, and that they had arrived safely.....Palm phoned almost immediately after the show, prior to going up to the suite. Both of them kept me quite informed and they were inclusive of me in every aspect of the day. I SO appreciated that - such awesome friends.
And on Thursday of this week, I got this package in the mail.....a gift from Frank. Frank has very good intuition and knew that I would enjoy Martin's newest CD, MY CHRISTMAS LIST. Yes, he was right - I was going to be ordering one, because I wanted it, but I had thought how cool it would have been had I mentioned it to someone so they could get a signed copy. I hadn't.
And, as it turns out, I didn't have to mention it to anyone - they already knew. Frank had Martin inscribe the CD, which read "Tim, Music & Love this Christmas, and always! Martin Nievera." And, it didn't end there. I don't know if Frank actually knows that my writing name for this blog, Martini's Musings, actually came from the movie, UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN
, because I liked the character named Mr. Martini. He was the one who, in the movie, was the "go to" guy - he got things done, for anyone who asked his help, and loved doing it. I fancied his role, and I identified with it. (pictured: Mr. Martini from Under The Tuscan Sun)
Inside the package, along with the CD was a card - it's a card straight from UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN - the cover filled with Sunflowers, (much like the one Diane Lane's character fills out for another when first reaching Tuscany). Coincidence? I think not. Inside, Frank had pasted his ticket to the event, with a message - "You were there with us...thank you for all you did to make this happen."
Can't tell you just what that meant to me, except to say it was such a beautiful, generous gesture. This was one of THE MOST THOUGHTFUL things. I've said it before, and I will say it again - I am, truly, blessed!
I have listened to Martin's CD several times since that evening - and it's very, very good. I think Martin has a beautiful, clear voice, and he seems to be really comfortable while singing. I like the selections of the songs, and I have even enjoyed the songs sung in Martin's native tongue, which I do not understand, but just am able to appreciate.
So, there you have it. This recount of the day in Atlantic City is courtesy of Frank Rendo. Frank knew how important it would be to have this day documented, and so - he documented it for me, and right away, too. THANKS AGAIN, Frank. Here is a picture of Jackie Carey, Frank Rendo and Palma Pascale.
Notice the CD in Frank's hand?? Yes, that one was mine!
The trip to Atlantic City from Long Island, I am told, took just at 2 1/2 hours, which went quickly and was most pleasant....the trio listened and enjoyed Martin's "Souvenirs" CD during that trip, all of them feeling he truly has amazing talent, and is an incredible artist.
I understand everyone was a bit disappointed in Atlantic City, itself. I had told Palm that Ann and I had traveled to Atlantic City a few years ago, and found it to be most depressing - even "dirty looking." It was gloomy the day we went - cool and overcast with just a bit of mistiness in the air, so I thought perhaps that might have something to do with our dislike of it. But apparently, these three felt much the same way. Tacky, dumpy, and gaudy. I got a more verbal description of it from Palm, but I won't print that here. It was funny, though!

Here's a photo of "Handle Pullin' Palma"
In addition to his great sense of humor that ran off the cuff throughout the entire show, the show ran a solid 2 hours and 20 minutes, without an intermission. Martin gave his all.
Here is a photo of Martin on stage at the House of Blues, Atlantic City, November 9, 2008
Martin later told them that had he known where Palm was sitting, he would have had her come on stage...although he was 5 feet up, so it would have been quite a pick-up from down below. Had she been a bit closer in the first place, he would have had her come on from backstage. Martin told me in recent correspondence that he is, indeed, a hopeless romantic.....perhaps had it worked out for Palm to have been on stage, he might have sung "to" her. We each think this would be true. Undoubtedly.
Though I believe that Palma would have loved to be able to see the faces of the people there all singing the chorus of LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, she was literally enveloped in the sound of all of them singing on that chorus with Martin - such a gratifying experience for anyone in that position I would guess. I know Palma appreciated this huge nod to her musical creation.
It had been prearranged that Palm and Frank were to meet up with Martin backstage after the show, per Martin's request, but I understand that Ching (the individual who booked Martin into the House Of Blues in the first place, and who worked out all the details for Palm and Martin to meet) was nowhere to be found when the show was over, probably having been caught by someone, hence not allowing her to find them, so the three of them made their way backstage on their own. (It should be mentioned here that the prearrangement I speak of was done at the Meet & Greet that Palm, Frank and Fred Guarino all attended the prior Thursday at Martin's invitation, held in Queens, NY. It was quite a fun evening, and Palma and Martin had an opportunity to get to know each other a bit. It was here that Martin received some wonderful recordings, with many of Palma's pop tunes for him to enjoy. And enjoy, I believe he certainly did).
So, to continue, once past security, they found the entourage, and Martin. He left his group and walked over, seeing Frank and giving him a big handshake, then he embraced Palma and at that moment, he told her how MUCH he likes another of her songs, WHAT THE OCEAN KNOWS. Unbelievable that, after all the time Martin had just spent on stage, and all those people "pawing" at him, that he remembered when he saw Palm to tell her how much he likes that song. I find that incredible - and way, way cool! Martin needed to leave them at that moment, but asked them to please join him in his suite for the after party, which they were happy to do.
Palma and Jackie went on up to the suite, while Frank waited with the rest of the entourage. There he was able to chat with Ching's husband, Ramon (both of these individuals are physicians) and they discussed Martin's career, everyone hoping for that "SMASH HIT SINGLE" here in the USA. (How convenient, eh? GREAT timing, me thinks).

Frank went on to say that everyone that surrounded Martin was so nice, friendly, and generous. I'm happy to hear this information, truly. If Palma is going to be involved with Martin on a business level, which I believe she will definitely be, I'm glad to know how nice everyone is, knowing they will treat her nicely, too.
Frank made it to the party about an hour after Palma and Jackie went up, and she had already ingratiated herself with everyone there. THEY LOVED HER, and of course, they all wanted to discuss LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, and tell her what they loved about it. She was a most happy composer.

Ching told Frank to be sure and EAT, and he said that at that point, Martin began working the room, chatting up this person and that. After a time, he told Frank to come sit by him. Taking the opportunity, Frank told Martin more information about Palm's catalog of songs, including one that she had been working on for him, but hadn't finished, yet. He told Frank "Send me MP3's." He also told Frank he loved Palm's tune BEFORE THE FALL. (Read more about BEFORE THE FALL, in my prior post!)
After chatting with the band members, Palma joined the two of them. Frank basically facilitated the conversation, first telling one what the other had said about the music, and vice versa. Back and forth they went, and because Frank was "ring leading" each learned a lot about the other. Thank you Frank for being that great facilitator - the important "middle man." I know how that feels, and actually, it's not a bad position to take, eh? Funny, since the prior Thursday night, he'd already committed the melody and some of the words to BEFORE THE FALL to memory, and began singing it to Palma. How awesome!!
Martin was quite generous with his time, and spent a good deal of it talking with the two of them. The Filipino community is a tight community, and it was good to know that they all gave the impression that they felt this new relationship would be a good boost to Martin. YES! I feel certain it will be.

They left Atlantic City both happy and encouraged, yet this story doesn't end there.
Both Frank and Palm knew HOW MUCH I would have loved to have been at that show. Of course they are aware that Martin and I correspond with each other, as we typically share our messages when it comes to Martin's career and Palma's involvement in it. I was DELIGHTED about the outcome of this - I mean, it's what I have worked on for three years now - the "right someone" to begin recording Palma's songs as their own. I have a very good feeling that Martin is that "right someone." I believe this whole thing is in Divine Order - it all came together so perfectly - everything seemed to be right in this entire situation.
Frank called me twice on that day to keep me posted as to what was going on, and that they had arrived safely.....Palm phoned almost immediately after the show, prior to going up to the suite. Both of them kept me quite informed and they were inclusive of me in every aspect of the day. I SO appreciated that - such awesome friends.
And on Thursday of this week, I got this package in the mail.....a gift from Frank. Frank has very good intuition and knew that I would enjoy Martin's newest CD, MY CHRISTMAS LIST. Yes, he was right - I was going to be ordering one, because I wanted it, but I had thought how cool it would have been had I mentioned it to someone so they could get a signed copy. I hadn't.
And, as it turns out, I didn't have to mention it to anyone - they already knew. Frank had Martin inscribe the CD, which read "Tim, Music & Love this Christmas, and always! Martin Nievera." And, it didn't end there. I don't know if Frank actually knows that my writing name for this blog, Martini's Musings, actually came from the movie, UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN

Inside the package, along with the CD was a card - it's a card straight from UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN - the cover filled with Sunflowers, (much like the one Diane Lane's character fills out for another when first reaching Tuscany). Coincidence? I think not. Inside, Frank had pasted his ticket to the event, with a message - "You were there with us...thank you for all you did to make this happen."
Can't tell you just what that meant to me, except to say it was such a beautiful, generous gesture. This was one of THE MOST THOUGHTFUL things. I've said it before, and I will say it again - I am, truly, blessed!
I have listened to Martin's CD several times since that evening - and it's very, very good. I think Martin has a beautiful, clear voice, and he seems to be really comfortable while singing. I like the selections of the songs, and I have even enjoyed the songs sung in Martin's native tongue, which I do not understand, but just am able to appreciate.
So, there you have it. This recount of the day in Atlantic City is courtesy of Frank Rendo. Frank knew how important it would be to have this day documented, and so - he documented it for me, and right away, too. THANKS AGAIN, Frank. Here is a picture of Jackie Carey, Frank Rendo and Palma Pascale.
Thanks, Frank for your help with this post, for the CD, the card and the sentiment, and for taking such excellent care of our friend Palma. I'm keeping good thoughts about all of this!

(Photos courtesy, Frank Rendo)
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