Hello everyone ~
I didn't want a lot of time to pass before I wrote to you about the second tribute event that took place in order to celebrate the life and music of my dearl friend - Palma Pascale.
The event was spearheaded by another of Palma's close friends, Frank Rendo. As there were people actually turned away from the first tribute to Palma (held in November of 2009), as well as having names of hopefuls on a waiting list for tickets at that event, this second tribute was a command performance...not only by those who didn't get their tickets in time or were turned away at the door the last time, but also by those who DID experience the love and music in that room on that November evening; generated by these talented artists and friends of Palma's. Frank followed-up with each of the artists as they attempted to coordinate their availabilities, and finally, he found a "sweet spot;" the evening of May 14th everyone was available. (Pictured: Al Barbarino)
The performers are each well-known in the Long Island area - all professionals who perform at various venues throughout the year. But these 6 people have one specific thread of commonality that makes a huge difference when speaking of these two tribute events: each of them were Palma's friend. And each of them loved her and her artistry very much. Fred Guarino of Tiki Recording Studios, Glen Cove, NY, (www.tikirecording.com) who had worked with Palma longest of anyone (of these performers) is certainly included in that common thread. Fred was a trusted friend of Palma's. When Palm and Fred worked together - well, the results were consistently pure genius! (Pictured: Fred Guarino - Palma Pascale)
Patrizia DiLorenzo, Bobbie Ruth, Laurie Mangano, Frank Rendo, Jackie Carey and Al Barbarino took the stage at Samantha's at 8:30 p.m. The program was as follows:
The Songs and the Artists:
1] “Get Up One More Time” - Patrizia
From Palma’s “The Broken Cup” CD
From Palma’s “I’ll Leave You The Music” CD
3] “We’ve Got To Love Again”
– Bobbie Ruth
From Palma’s
“In & Out Of Love” CD
4] “Gentle
Visitor” – Laurie Mangano
From Fr. Charles & Laurie’s “God’s Unbelievable
Love” CD
5] “Did You Talk To Him
Today?” – Laurie Mangano
From Palma’s “The Broken Cup” CD
6] “Enough Grace For Today” –
Laurie Mangano & Frank Rendo
From Fr. Charles & Laurie’s “God’s Unbelievable
Love” CD
7] “Heal Me” – Al
From Al’s
“The Cry Of The Poor” CD
“Let Go, Let God” – Al Barbarino
From Al’s
“Let Go, Let God” CD
“Room In My Heart” – Al Barbarino
From Al’s
“Let Go, Let God” CD (Pictured: Bobbie Ruth)
(Pictured L to R: Patrizia DiLorenzo, Bobbie Ruth, Laurie Mangano, Jackie Carey, Frank Rendo, Al Barbarino)
10] “This Must Be Heaven” – Jackie
Carey, dancing to Palma’s vocal
From Palma’s “This Must Be Heaven” CD
11] “Remembering
Christmas” – Frank Rendo
From Frank’s “Remembering Christmas” CD
12] “Much Less Than
Christmas” – Frank Rendo
From Frank’s “Remembering Christmas” CD
13] “ The Love Letter” – Frank
Rendo & Patrizia DiLorenzo
From Palma’s “The Broken Cup” CD
14] “To Keep You With Me” – Frank
From Frank’s “Deliver Me” CD
15] “All I Ever Taught You” –
Frank Rendo
From Frank’s “Deliver Me” CD
Whew! Now, isn't THAT a beautiful statement? Thank you, Samantha.
Frank was careful to add special thanks to the artists on the program notes; to Fred Guarino for his incredible talent in mixing and mastering the album THIS MUST BE HEAVEN, and consequently, the performance tracks used at the tribute this evening ... and Paul Richards of WHLI Radio, Long Island, NY www.WHLI.com - for his support and promotion of the event and, of course, to Samantha Tetro, who hosted the event right there at "Heaven." Frank tells me that Paul Richards ran Public Service Announcements (PSA's) about the tribute show, and it was reported by more than one listener that Palma's tune "You Couldn't Mean Me" from her wonderful THIS MUST BE HEAVEN CD, was heard more than once on WHLI, as well. So...thank you Paul, for giving airtime to Palma, and for the PSA's that you ran about this special event. Pictured: Palma Pascale)
Frank also inserted a copy of the article that I penned both for this blog, and that I submitted to Newsday, the Long Island newspaper who declined to print it as either a memorial to Palma or as an obituary, which was the initial purpose.
The byline for the article had me listed as Palma's "Publicist" ... when it came to Palma, the hats I wore included Publicist, Archivist, Internet Researcher, Musician, and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. I was a jack of all trades; master of none. I so enjoy(ed) writing about her work and promoting her events and her CD's.
So, though I don't have a radio station to use, I did attempt to promote the event in several of my blogs, and throughout various places on the Internet. I used the flier above in my promotions, which was created by Frank Rendo. (Pictured: Tim San Paolo)
I understand that the event was completely sold out again! And...as I would have suspected, people once again had to, unfortunately, be turned away.
The evening was filled with smiles, melodies, stories, shared memories, and tears. Palma Pascale was one special, special individual and everyone in that room on that night, along with yours truly, knows this to be a fact.
Regarding promotions, I want to publicly thank a really great guy and new friend to me, Bruce Worrell. Bruce is at the helm of another radio station; an Internet station called "Arise Radio." Though I did not request Bruce to run any PSA's, he did play Palm's music on Arise Radio. In fact, Bruce now has not only Palma's complete Christian Catalogue - I have also supplied him with a complete discography of Frank Rendo, too. As you may recall if you're a regular reader of the blog I created about Frank, Ramblings Regarding RENDO, www.RamblingsRegardingRendo.blogspot.com, the first two weeks that Frank's music was aired on Arise Radio, he ranked in the top 20 most popular for those weeks.
[NOTE] I just found out, as I was preparing this blog for publication, that this week, Palma's song "The Love Letter" from her CD THE BROKEN CUP, came in at number 13 for it's first week of airplay on Arise Radio. Palma sang this song on the CD with her friend, Tenor, Gary Jerome.
[NOTE] I just found out, as I was preparing this blog for publication, that this week, Palma's song "The Love Letter" from her CD THE BROKEN CUP, came in at number 13 for it's first week of airplay on Arise Radio. Palma sang this song on the CD with her friend, Tenor, Gary Jerome.
So friends, that's my report for now. Before I close, I'd like to personally thank someone here - someone I feel so blessed to call my friend; Jackie Carey. Jackie did an Interpretive Dance to open the second half of the show, and knowing what I do of Jackie, I can only imagine how beautiful and meaningful it was. Jackie, too, is a very special lady; generous to a fault as well as supportive and plain fun to be around. Jackie and Palma were very close friends and it's way easy to understand why. A very choice "Thank You" from me to Jackie for not only providing unwavering love and support to Frank, and for all you continue to do for Palma, but also for your incredible thoughtfulness to me and to others. (You know what I'm referring to, Jackie - and I could never, ever thank you enough). (Pictured: Jackie Carey - Palma Pascale)
Sincere thanks from me to good friend Fred Guarino, as well! Fred has incomparable skills when it comes to the art of recording, mixing, mastering and everything that goes with the process. But there's much MORE than just Fred's knowledge to take into consideration, here. Not only is he a good friend to have, Fred also has this uncanny ability to "hear" what ISN'T there in a recording, and what's needed - things many times the artist can't recognize. He offers lots of outstanding ideas and his musicality shines forth at those times as well as his genius at the controls. Thank you, Fred, for all the magic you continually create. Bravo! Well done!!! (Pictured: Tim San Paolo - Fred Guarino)
Personal thanks, too, to Samantha Tetro for opening her heart and her beautiful establishment in order for this event to occur. Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven is a very special place where everything and everyone who goes there absorbs blessing after blessing. Serenity abounds, and the love of God and of fellow-man is so obvious to those who enter the doors - Thank you, Samantha, for your generosity and your love for Palma.
Big thanks from me, as well, to Dominick Avento III for his willingness to help by doing whatever he can, whenever it's Palma that is a part of the picture. You know I appreciate you very much, Dom, as I know your friends there on Long Island, do.
Of course, my very sincere, heartfelt thanks to Bobbie Ruth, Patrizia DiLorenzo, Al Barbarino and Laurie Mangano for their parts in paying tribute to this one-of-a-kind composer of Christian Music. (Pictured L to R: Patrizia DiLorenzo, Bobbie Ruth, Laurie Mangano, Jackie Carey, Dominick Avento III, Al Barbarino)
Finally, though it goes without saying, my most sincere thanks to Frank Rendo for his perseverance in ensuring that this second tribute occurred. For all of your efforts, Frank - for your time, your energy and your enthusiasm toward this show, not to mention your love for Palma, I thank you! Your efforts resulted in a beautiful evening for many and one that will be remembered for a long time to come. Palm must have been smiling....I feel certain about it.
(Pictured: Bobbie Ruth and Frank Rendo)
(Pictured: Bobbie Ruth and Frank Rendo)
One day I, too, will have the opportunity to attend ... perhaps even perform at an event in honor of / in tribute to Palma Pascale. Until that day comes, I will continue to attempt to fulfill my role behind the scenes and out of the spotlight; to record the details for others to read, and do my part in promoting Palma and her fabulous music at every available opportunity.
Palm, you are THE BEST!
I'll leave you with a few of the lyrics from Palma's gorgeous song "What The Ocean Knows" from her CD titled IN & OUT OF LOVE.
" ... The Horizon lines the sky, and it meets like you and I~
How it touches and remains - still in tact, even when it rains~
How it knows how far to go - wish I knew what the ocean knows.
Came the day, then came your touch, and I never felt so much~
How I've lived without you near - how I've lived it's not so clear.
The horizon knows it's place, and the sky has it's own space~
But my heart into yours flows....wish I knew what the ocean knows....
Love is more than the ocean knows..."
Until next time then, I wish you all my very best,
~Martini (aka) Tim
PHOTOS courtesy of Frank Rendo, Palma Pascale, Tim San Paolo - Album Cover Designs - Palma's "Cousin Lil" and Dominick Avento III - Flier design - Frank Rendo
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