Hello everyone - you know, as of October 27, 2008, it will mean a year has gone by already since our awesome journey to Glen Cove, Long Island - and in particular, to Tiki R
ecording Studios to spend the afternoon with Fred Guarino and Palma Pascale. (The photo, right, is the CD I made there, and the lead sheet of one of the songs I recorded, GET UP ONE MORE TIME, is in the background.) Later that same day, Ann and I joined Palma who was doing a live performance, where we also got to meet the super talented Frank Rendo and his promotions director, Diana Pettit. We all enjoyed a nice meal together, and certainly some great fellowship.
I could never adequately put into words how much this CD, and everything that it represents, means to me. So, just mind that.
Frank Rendo made another CD this year at Tiki with Palm and Fred - I've blogged about it on a new blog I developed in the past few months called Ramblings Regarding Rendo. You can find that blog here: http://ramblingsregardingrendo.blogspot.com/. The new CD is called ~Inspired~ and it features songs from Broadway and Film. The CD is quite nicely done, and features Palma playing piano, and Warren Bee, who plays harmonica on a lot of the tunes. A positive, inspiring collection of beautiful song after beautiful song. As you know if you have been reading my blogs, I'm quite taken with this kind of ability - Frank sings and ministers, all at once. He has a strong, full, rich and expressive voice - a wide vocal range, and amazing breath and tonal control. His pitch is right on, always. Not easily done. He can sing very softly as well...yet, even these soft notes have such a fullness about them. There isn't anything I've heard Frank sing that isn't just consummately done.

I could never adequately put into words how much this CD, and everything that it represents, means to me. So, just mind that.
So much has happened in all of our worlds during this past year. It really doesn't seem possible that so much time has passed. Due to great "slide show"-type programs on computers these days, I'm re
minded on a daily basis of this trip as these photos, and others, flash past on my computer screen as my screen saver. It's filled with photos of places where we've visited and really enjoyed: Manhattan, Long Island, San Francisco, as well as Spain, France and Italy. PLUS these photos are filled with family and friends. Nothing better. So....since I can't be there in the studio with my friends out there on Long Island, they can be right here with me! And they are....every single day.

And speaking of the studio, Fred updated his web site during this year, and it's really super looking. There is information there about how Tiki came to be - and about Fred's recording background - there is excellent information about the exceptional studios and equipment Tiki has to offer, and about the services offered. There is even a gallery of great photos! You can find all of this at http://www.tikirecording.com/. Take your time and peruse these pages. You're sure to enjoy it all!

Frank's other recent Tiki recording is the wonderful REMEMBERING
CHRISTMAS, which was just in the final recording stages when Ann and I visited last year. I still can't believe my good fortune to be invited to sing on it - that was so much fun, and believe me, it sure sparked my "recording" desire, again. I so enjoyed being in that vocal booth, at Tiki, especially...singing a Palma Pascale song along with Fred (as he sang on the same tune) for Frank's new CD...and having Palm right there in the studio, too! Now, just how fun do you think that was for me? Just the BEST, believe me. Now I want to do more recording! I'm happy in that environment, and it's really where I wanna be, more and more.

And, speaking
of doing more recording, Palma certainly has done THAT during this past year. She is currently in the studio working on her second Christian CD, (besides the work she continually does for other artists). I have been privileged enough to hear some of the newest songs as the recording progresses, and can tell you that you will NOT want to be without this new project in your collection! That's ALL I'm saying about it at this moment, but you know me...there's much more I'll say once it has been completed and released! Because of getting these "developing" tunes, I feel very much like I've been there in the studio as the magic is being made. (Thanks so much to Fred and Palm for this).
Besides al
l of the above, we discovered the talents of one Martin Nievera during this past year, as well. Martin recorded Palma's song LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM on TWO CD's and he also has a live version of it on VCD. It's posted on YouTube - you can find it at by clicking this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIbSqjuO4Yc.

As you know, LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM is the song that Carpenter's recorded for their 1975 hit album HORIZON. Watching this YouTube video of Martin, who shares the singing duties with his entire audience , who know this song well and sing along with him, is so validating! There are several individuals from the Philippines who have performed LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM on television, and have posted those performances on YouTube, as well. Other artists from the Philippines have also recorded LOVE ME, as well. The popularity of this song does not come as any surprise, really, to this writer. I'm just pleased its been re-recorded and released by so many. Good stuff, for sure.
Martin did a great job with it when he recorded this tune. He truly has a beautiful voice, too.
As for me, I've been learning, arranging and recording my own tracks to Palm's tunes, and Frank's tunes....and I've been sharing these wonderful songs with my congregation, week b
y week. They really enjoy them; I know this because they tell me so!!!

I've also kept quite busy doing lots of research and writing in both blogs; trying to keep up and keep current with my own MySpace page, and my Shoutlife page; recently jumped onto ReverbNation and will maintain a page there, too so that I can continue to blog about and update everyone on this magnificent music Palma and Frank are creating at Fred's masterful hand! And, of course, I remain the Global Moderator of the Internet's largest forum dedicated to the music of the Carpenters, known as Richard and Karen Carpenter Avenue.
It really has been quite a full year for everyone but, as Karen and Richard so aptly sang all those years ago, "We've Only Just Begun." Check back for more blogs about WHAT THE HELL NELL; tunes with a "Sinatra" flair to them, the Broadway musical BACHELOR BUTTONS and the new Christian compilation. Stop by Ramblings Regarding Rendo as well and stay caught-up with Frank Rendo and the goings-on in his life and ministry. And....there is bound to be more great news that includes Martin Nievera, as well.
Palm, Fred and Frank, thank you for including me in the music - in the process, and in the fun. Even from a distance, it just doesn't get better than all of this.
So, until next time, I leave you by quoting one of my favorite lyrics of all time, written (and copyrighted) by Palma Pascale:
"...I'll give you the gift I own to be where I'm not...In the mind of the ear and the heart...I'll be there although we are apart.
You won't be without me here...I'm in the song you hear...and if you can hear the song, you're here with me.
I'll Leave You The Music - I'll leave you my soul...all I am, all I love, all I know will remain with you when I go..."
So long for this time.
Some photographs courtesy of Frank Rendo