Hi Friends:
I'm writing today to make a few comments sort of from a different perspective, if you will, regarding Palma Pascale's contemporary Christian CD's. There are three, altogether; two of these have previously been reviewed in this blog, and the other is literally the last release from Palma . the one entitled I WORSHIP YOU.
Let's talk about I WORSHIP YOU for a moment, then. This CD was not originally planned for release by Palma....at least, not until a few close friends heard her work, singing and playing these beautiful and melodic worship songs. As I have discussed on numerous occasions, Palma has such an exquisite voice - one can hear her heart as she sings, and her vocals on this album tell a huge story of her Worship and Praise to God. Such feeling embedded in each and every note as she sings these sweet songs, written by various artists. This recording is a "live" recording - all captured in one take, which makes it even more special. Interestingly, having never heard them before, and because Palm makes them flow one into another as if a medley, I believed, at first, they were her creations. She always made the song she was doing her own, and these beauties were certainly no exception. (Pictured: Palma Pascale)
It was singer/songwriter/Long Island recording artist Frank Rendo who actually talked Palm into releasing these as an album. The collection is not orchestrated as per Palm's usual fare - no, these selections are all piano and vocal only.
Frank worked very hard after Palma's death to ensure this CD was completed and readied for release, and as quickly as possible. I recall when visiting him there on Long Island (October, 09), that he and I looked over sheet after sheet of promo proofs in order to find the one that would work best to convey the sentiment of the songs. I believe, ultimately, Frank chose wisely with this demure picture of Palma he used. Frank was assisted a great deal by Dominick Avento III, a terrific gent who has a knack for awesome design. Together, Frank, assisted by Dom and his expertise in this area, came up with the entire CD package. Frank is also responsible for the poignant Forward of this one. (Pictured: Dominick Avento III, Frank Rendo)
I WORSHIP YOU is, in it's simplicity, a most soothing, melodic, mood enhancing and charming CD of worship and praise; sung and played as only Palm had the ability to do.
Of course, the CD was recorded by my friend Fred Guarino, owner of Tiki Recording Studios in Glen Cove, NY. Fred had a knack for knowing how to best capture Palm on record. He knew the best microphone setting and which microphone to use based upon the style of the song Palma was to record. His expertise about how to appropriately get the "best" sound out of his acclaimed Yamaha C7 7.4' grand piano. (Recording artists of various genres have repeatedly told Fred what a wonderful instrument he has there, and how much they enjoyed using it for their recordings). One thing is for certain - with Fred at the controls and Palm at the grand, the end result was always a highly successful recording. (Pictured: Palma Pascale, Fred Guarino)
A final touch to complete this CD's sweetness was the inclusion of Palma's original piano vocal recording of "Let's Invite Jesus" which she later orchestrated for the THIS MUST BE HEAVEN CD. The piano/vocal-only version is the one Palm sent to me just after she recorded it, and it touched me deeply, on many levels. The song was written for victims of abuse - and it tells that story well ... plus, it can be applied to anyone else! Yet another magnificent Palma Pascale composition. And that makes a nice place for me to segue into her first contemporary Christian offering, her well-known, well-loved CD, THE BROKEN CUP.

Recently, I was asked to give the message at my church - to be the speaker, as it were, because our minister retired and we are currently seeking another. In between having these ministers come visit and speak to us, there are several of us who "fill-in" if you will, and prepare the message for a specific Sunday.
On May 30th, I presented a "musical message" telling my story in song, which was basically my own personal journey of faith from the start, to this date. It wasn't difficult to know "how" I would tell this story because the music I needed was as familiar to me as family.
My message began using renowned New Yorker, Peter Eldridge's composition, "Deliver Me" which became the title song for Frank Rendo's latest CD release in September of 2009. Peter is an amazing jazz artist and performs not only as a solo piano/vocal performer; he is also a member of the famed jazz quartet, THE NEW YORK VOICES. (Pictured: Tim San Paolo)
The rest of the story I wanted to tell was very easily told by using Pascale compositions. The remainder of my story was described using these powerful songs: "Let Me Introduce You," from The Broken Cup, "Mindset Glory" from THIS MUST BE HEAVEN, "The Golden Rope of Jesus," "You Couldn't Mean Me" and "A Room In My Heart" from THIS MUST BE HEAVEN - "Get Up One More Time" from The Broken Cup, "This Too Shall Pass" and "A Better Plan" from THIS MUST BE HEAVEN. (Pictured: Frank Rendo)
Here's where I'm headed with this blog - recall that I seem to find new "treasures" inevitably when re-listening to any of Palm's tunes, yes?? Well, during the preparation for the message, as I rehearsed it to get the feel of the "flow" and how it would work time-wise, etc., yet an even bigger "treasure" was revealed in a big, big way.
It was so easy to describe my journey using Palm's music because it's so right-on. It's so REAL. Though I've known this, it was brought to the fore so much during this exercise.
I've always known Palm was a very gifted composer, both her musical compositions as well as her lyrics - and I have talked about my amazement often at how she could do this so incredibly. But, as I was rehearsing this musical message at home in my studio one evening, with my wife in earshot, she would comment on one song and another.... and it became so clear to both of us that Palma not only got the "what" of her songwriting - she also got the "why."

There are many scenarios, aren't there? These, and so many more. Palma talks about this sort of struggle - this sort of pain - this doubt and worry and concern; about what one considers failure - about the despair and the emotions that come with it. She KNEW - she really knew how hard life could be.

Friends, there is an answer out there - there is a friend above all others for each of us. His love for us is always available to us, no matter what the circumstance - He is a force so powerful there can be no way for us as humans to adequately describe Him. He is God, and despite what you are going through, He is on your journey with you - you do not travel it alone. When we make mistakes, He holds out His hand to help us get up one more time - to stop looking back. Rather, he helps us understand how to move forward. He is the God who Loves us like no other, and despite your best efforts to plan your journey, He's got a better plan. We may not recognize that His plan is better at first, but He'll pilot every storm and keep you safe and warm. So, persevere ... and have no fear! (Pictured: Palma Pascale)
See? Using just some of Palm's lyrics in my writing gets my point across so well about the abundant love God holds for each of us. I feel that these Christian offerings from Palma were Spirit-kissed and these messages are both holy, and as real as they come! Palm simply got what living was all about.
Though I feel I can relate to each of Palma's tunes in some way, there is one that touches me so strongly each time I hear or perform it. In fact, those in charge of the upcoming big Jesus Alive event slated for 10-10-10, the one for which Palma penned a lot of her fabulous songs - has been appropriately titled after this song I'm speaking of. The song is from THE BROKEN CUP, and is titled "Did You Talk To Him Today?"
If you have not heard this one, you are doing yourself a disservice. It asks probing, yet simple questions of the listener - important questions that will make one stop...think and then, act! She asks:
"....Did you talk to Him today? Did you say what's in your heart?
Did you tell Him of the things that are tearing you apart?
Did you think to ask His help? Well, you know, you really could.
He is waiting on the way....did you talk to Him today? Well, you know, you really should.
Did you talk to Him of loss? Did you tell Him of your pain?
Did you tell Him what it cost? Did you ask Him to explain?
Did you question why it is Heaven seems so far away?
All the answers wait for you ... it's a simple thing to do ...
Did you talk to Him today?
Did you ask how long it takes to rejuvenate a soul
who is weary of the world? Surely life can take a toll.
Did you wonder if He heard? Does He listen when you pray?
Even when it's only tears, He will understand your fears, He hears everything you say.
Did you talk to Him today? Did you say what's in your heart?
Did you tell Him of the things that are tearing you apart?
Did you think to ask His help? Well, you know, you really could.
He is waiting on the way ...did you talk to Him today? Well, you know, you really should...."
There is nothing I could say following those words that would have a more substantial impact.
I miss our dear friend Palma so much, and I think of her most often. Her music has always been a source of comfort and happiness to me. Now, it's providing valuable "life lessons" on a deeper level than before. I know I continue to learn a lot, and I'm grateful for each song we have to listen to.
Hey....Did You Talk To Him Today?
I wish each of you all my very best~
Photo credits: Joanna San Paolo, Dominick Avento III, Frank Rendo, Palma Pascale