Orlando Peña
Hello readers of Martini's Musings. It's been some time since I've done ANY blogging, and this blog, I think, might surprise you a bit.
I will, of course, include information about Palma in this writing - but is really intended to introduce a new and talented friend of mine to you - a gentleman I'm very glad I've had the opportunity to get to know over this past year or so.
Mutual friend, Long Island recording artist Frank Rendo suggested to me that I get to know Orlando
who was to be the Artistic Director & Choreographer for the big Jesus Alive musical extravaganza written by Palma Pascale, to be titled "DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY?" This amazing production was presented, as Palm had planned, at the Patchogue Theatre For The Performing Arts on 10-10-10.
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Orlando (on the right/back row) with some of his students |
I took Frank's suggestion and began getting to know Orlando little by little. I discovered that he operates his own dance studio called Ovations Dance Academy which is located in Bohemia, NY and it is a very well thought-of hub of creativity. Orlando touches many lives through Ovations, and there will be many more to come.

Orlando has toured the US and Europe performing and choreographing with numerous companies. As a principle dancer for five years with the Windermere Ballet Theatre, touring with National companies of "The Music Man," "Sophisticated Ladies," "On Your Toes," and "A Chorus Line" as well as Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Starlight Express" in Bochum, Germany. His stage and professional experience give him expansive knowledge of choreography and stage professionalism. He has directed and choreographed full Ballets and Musical Theatre productions such as "The Nutcracker Suite," "Anything Goes," "South Pacific," and "The Wizard of Oz" as well as dance concerts in Utah, Colorado, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and New York. He also directed and choreographed "CATS" on Long Island, as well as having worked on Gala events with "Long Island Pulse Magazine."
Orlando has appeared in dance concerts and Master Class appearances in Utah, Colorado, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York. He has been a faculty member at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and was an adjunct Tap and Tap History instructor at Stony Brook University, in New York. He has also been a guest teacher at other universities.
In addition to choreographing and his direction for Ovations Dance Accademy since 1977, as well as Ovations Dance Repertory Company, a non-profit company, his original choreography has won him rave reviews. His students had the privilege of participating in the Vail International Dance Festival in Vail, CO, and The Rock School, The Jeoffrey Ballet Summer Program, Alvin Ailey School and ABT Bermuda. He is a member of the Actors Equity Association, and the Ovations website is
Peña has received rave reviews for his dance productions from Newsday for his original choreography and performances. He has appeared in several magazines and newspapers such as The Advance, Senior News, Long Island Latin Magazine and Fire Island Tides.
I read a description of him recently that stated: "Orlando has been described as a kid who lights up the stage with amazing energy and skill." The Islip Bulletin's critic, John Lee, described Peña's choreography in "Pippen" saying "The dance and the movements are spectacular; what will survive longest, however, is the MEMORY OF THE DANCING!!!"
Bravo, Orlando!!!
Orlando and Palma never met.....that is, when Palm was well and writing songs like the ones she wrote that comprise the "playlet" DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? Knowing Palm as I did, I am absolutely certain and that she and Orlando would have made great, fast friends. I SO wish they could have known one another - how much more magic there could have been, eh?
It did not, however, take Orlando any time at all to get to know what an awesome individual in life that Palma was. Now folks, stop to think about this - even in death, Palma and her music is making an impact on the lives of others! I love that! Orlando has told me he could see, by her stories and her masterful way of composition, that she was a "genuine" individual. Yes, Orlando, she certainly was that!!
So, without knowing fully what he was signing on for, in this totally volunteer position, Orlando agreed to choreograph and artistically direct DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? Orlando and Frank Rendo worked many hours getting this incredible production ready for the huge 10-10-10 performance date, which would be held on the stage of the Patchogue Theatre For The Performing Arts in Patchogue, NY.
An aside here, I think...recall me mentioning Orlando's involvement with The Jeoffrey Ballet? Well, Palm, too, was associated with and danced with The Jeoffrey Ballet, later to come to be known as The Morgan-Scott Ballet. Palma was engaged to compose three original songs, and she composed the "Over The Ocean Trilogy." After composing "The Mirror Cracked," "Free of You," and "Over The Ocean," the three songs the trilogy was comprised of, Palma was asked to dance with the company in New York's Bryant Park in 2000. The "Over The Ocean Trilogy" can be found on Palma's pop album "IN & OUT OF LOVE."
Palma was truly quite proud of her association with this wonderful company of talented artists. Something that she had in common with Orlando. That, and their faith in God!
As I have been involved "behind the scenes" in the production of DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? having provided the written choral charts for Gary Wilson and the choir members to learn their various parts from, and by arranging and recording some of the music Palma just hadn't had the time to take care of, and simply because this was Palma's VISION, I was very interested in the day-to-day planning between Orlando and Frank. I used to discuss meetings and design ideas and principle performers and which songs they would be doing, along with trials and worrisome developments on a regular basis with Frank. I learned a lot about Orlando's involvement and ever increasing appreciation for Palma's awesome work. Of course, that endeared him to me fast, as anyone who can so easily recognize the genius of Palma's abundant talents is someone I'm anxious to know and call my friend.
The two of us began a very light correspondence, but what was always clear to me was how much Palm's songs were touching Orlando. Those beautiful melodies, coupled with significant lyrics that tell stories that are deep and meaningful were certainly not escaping this gifted performer. Orlando "got it," something Palm would definitely have appreciated about him - she said to me hundreds of times if she said it once - "TIM, you so GET IT!" She loved it when someone understood more than just the surface beauty of her work. Orlando also "got it."
As the date of the show began to be nearer and nearer, and it became just achingly clear that I would NOT be able to get to Long Island to get to see this event I had lived and breathed for the past year alongside Frank Rendo, I began a melancholy that only another artist could truly appreciate, I believe. I was not surprised to find that Orlando "got" that, too. For as busy as he (and Frank) were in putting final touches on the show, bringing all of the pieces together for final rehearsals (that I know were as stressful as they were fulfilling), it was Orlando who came up with an idea that seemed to really help the melancholy and provided me a glimpse into his role in collaboration with Frank and others.
Knowing that he and Frank were having one of the final production meetings coming up, Orlando suggested to me that we surprise Frank and connect via SKYPE - he felt Frank would appreciate his effort to connect us, and it would give Orlando and I a chance to really "meet," if you will, face-to-face. I thought his plan was brilliant. (For those of you who are not familiar, SKYPE is a computer program allowing the users who have cameras to connect, and interact with one another in real time, and be able to not only chat, but view each other as the chat occurs).
On the day we had panned the call, our connection was perfect and I could immediately see the excitement, based out of appreciation and admiration for Palma's work, in every smile and every word from Orlando. He was so excited about this show, knowing Palm truly loved the vision and mission of Long Island's Jesus Alive ministry, and that her songs had been written to praise God in the finest way she knew how.
There was no lack of conversation on either of our parts as we were both enjoying this SKYPE call. Eventually, as we realized that Frank had been delayed, Orlando did something else I was so impressed by - he asked me if I'd like to hear the ideas come to fruition and what had been decided for all of the other important pieces of the show - backdrops, costumes, stage movements, and more - right down to the material choices for the costumes!!
He proceeded to open that production notebook and he walked me through the ENTIRE musical - page by page, song by wonderful song. I saw colors - I saw actual pieces of the backdrops, I saw photos, costumes, fabrics and I knew with which song each of these items correlated. The more he showed me, and with the turn of each page, his excitement grew and matched my own.
The show was, as I fully expected it would be, a HUGE success. It was a lot of hard work and planning on the parts of both Frank and Orlando and the many others who freely gave of their time and talents. Palma would have been more than pleased with the result of the show. God was praised in a mighty way on the evening of 10-10-10; finally, the story she had worked on for such a long time had come to full artistic fruition. From my conversations with both Orlando and Frank, it was an emotional high for both of them for days after - to see an almost full house and to know that the necessary money was raised for the Jesus Alive ministry to help feed the poor throughout the Long Island area was truly an exciting accomplishment.
I have observed the continued work of Orlando Peña since 10-10-10; he has produced and choreographed many shows since that time to include Jungle Book, Les Mis, The Nutcracker Suite, of which Newsday writes "...Ovations Dance Repertory Company goes far east of the East end in its multicultural approach to "The Nutcracker." Performances at the Patchogue Theatre will include a segment of Indian bhangra music and dance." Quoted in the article, Ronnie Douchette, an Ovations board member states: "It exposes our audiences to other styles of music and culture, as well as hopefully bringing in some of the Indian community."
Currently in the works for Ovations Dance Repertory Company is "RENT," "Pinkalicious," "Blues Clues, Live!" and more!!! There's no slowing down for this talented and energetic performer, teacher and mentor.
I shared with Orlando an observation, recently. I checked out his Facebook page around the time of his birthday. I read post upon post upon post of sincere, loving greetings from adults, friends, family and students alike! All of them were wishing him the very best! And....inside those wishes there were HUGE amounts of love for him, expressed over and over again. He has touched so many lives. His art has enriched life after life. These birthday greetings....they told the story in a beautiful way.
I learned during a conversation with Frank back in March that the Jesus Alive ministries, along with Frank & Orlando were going to revive Palma's DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? This time, it would be presented at Bay Shore Assembly of God Church, Bay Shore, NY. This is the church where, as I understand it, many rehearsals for the 10-10-10 show happened, and it is where Frank regularly leads the singing, as this is his home church.
The proceeds for this show will come back to benefit the students of Ovations Dance Repertory Company, a non-profit organization. That made me very happy when I learned about it.
What Frank also shared during the aforementioned conversation was that a couple of the principles would be unable to recreate their roles for this July 11th production. It had been Orlando who requested that I come to Long Island and take one of those soloists' spots. As my regular readers, you KNOW how thrilling that offer was to me, don't you? As it happens, once we finally were able to get down to the nuts and bolts of the show - i.e., how long I would need to be in NY for rehearsals, which selection would best suit my voice as a solo, etc. it turned out that I was too close to securing a new job and the timing would not have worked for anyone. Besides that, having been without a job for some 15 months at that point, any extra dollars were already earmarked, one way or another.
Though I am unable to attend, and to be an actual part of Palma's wonderful story (AGAIN!) alongside Frank, Father Charles and Laurie Mangano, Orlando, Jackie Carey and so many others whom I've been grateful to have met along the way....I WILL NEVER FORGET that Orlando asked me to be a part of this show, not in a behind the scenes way, but on stage, with the "big kids" as it were!
It doesn't matter that I won't be there - it doesn't matter that there may not be another opportunity for me to participate in this specific show - none of that matters. What DOES matter to me is that someone really "got it" enough to know how extraordinarily important it would have been to me to become a part of this production of Palm's unmatchable music. I will forever be grateful to Orlando for his enthusiasm, and his confidence in my ability to get the job done - and for sticking his neck out to ask Frank to speak to me about it. Interestingly....Orlando had never even heard me sing, at that point. Remember this old cliche' - "...actions speak louder than words...?" This "action" was one single act of generosity that spoke VOLUMES to me. Of course I wish I'd been able to go and be on that stage performing Palma's music; nevertheless, I will always, humbly recall this sincere act of kindness as it meant so much to me. I told you.....he really "gets" it!!
Great thanks, too, to Frank Rendo for the invitation to stay with him while in NY. Much appreciated, Frank.
I know Palm is happy all of this is happening. I just wish she and Orlando could have met - they would have been fans of each other, and no doubt good, good friends. I can easily envision a brilliant collaboration between these three talents; Palma, Frank and Orlando. Much creativity comes from each of them and I would guess only better and better art would have come from a grouping like these three.
As you can tell, I've just scratched the surface when discussing Orlando Peña and his talent, his studio & the children who frequent it, as well as his productions. There is more to come and I look forward to writing more about him and his creative approach to dance and song.
For now though, it's time to sign off for me. I have begun to pen a new blog about Palma's brilliant musical, BACHELOR BUTTONS which will be posted relatively soon. Also, don't forget to check out the blog dedicated to good friend Frank Rendo at
So from me, and I'm sure I can speak here for Palma Pascale. To you, Orlando - thank you for your dedication to the performing arts through your love for, and tremendous talent in the world of dance. You are making a difference in the lives of many!
I wish you all the very best!
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Orlando Pena |
In addition to choreographing and his direction for Ovations Dance Accademy since 1977, as well as Ovations Dance Repertory Company, a non-profit company, his original choreography has won him rave reviews. His students had the privilege of participating in the Vail International Dance Festival in Vail, CO, and The Rock School, The Jeoffrey Ballet Summer Program, Alvin Ailey School and ABT Bermuda. He is a member of the Actors Equity Association, and the Ovations website is
Peña has received rave reviews for his dance productions from Newsday for his original choreography and performances. He has appeared in several magazines and newspapers such as The Advance, Senior News, Long Island Latin Magazine and Fire Island Tides.
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Broadway on Long Island |
I read a description of him recently that stated: "Orlando has been described as a kid who lights up the stage with amazing energy and skill." The Islip Bulletin's critic, John Lee, described Peña's choreography in "Pippen" saying "The dance and the movements are spectacular; what will survive longest, however, is the MEMORY OF THE DANCING!!!"
Bravo, Orlando!!!
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Palma Pascale |
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Flier for Did You Talk To Him Today? |
So, without knowing fully what he was signing on for, in this totally volunteer position, Orlando agreed to choreograph and artistically direct DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? Orlando and Frank Rendo worked many hours getting this incredible production ready for the huge 10-10-10 performance date, which would be held on the stage of the Patchogue Theatre For The Performing Arts in Patchogue, NY.
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Palma's pop CD - In & Out of Love |
Palma was truly quite proud of her association with this wonderful company of talented artists. Something that she had in common with Orlando. That, and their faith in God!
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Frank Rendo |
The two of us began a very light correspondence, but what was always clear to me was how much Palm's songs were touching Orlando. Those beautiful melodies, coupled with significant lyrics that tell stories that are deep and meaningful were certainly not escaping this gifted performer. Orlando "got it," something Palm would definitely have appreciated about him - she said to me hundreds of times if she said it once - "TIM, you so GET IT!" She loved it when someone understood more than just the surface beauty of her work. Orlando also "got it."
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Orlando Pena |
Knowing that he and Frank were having one of the final production meetings coming up, Orlando suggested to me that we surprise Frank and connect via SKYPE - he felt Frank would appreciate his effort to connect us, and it would give Orlando and I a chance to really "meet," if you will, face-to-face. I thought his plan was brilliant. (For those of you who are not familiar, SKYPE is a computer program allowing the users who have cameras to connect, and interact with one another in real time, and be able to not only chat, but view each other as the chat occurs).
On the day we had panned the call, our connection was perfect and I could immediately see the excitement, based out of appreciation and admiration for Palma's work, in every smile and every word from Orlando. He was so excited about this show, knowing Palm truly loved the vision and mission of Long Island's Jesus Alive ministry, and that her songs had been written to praise God in the finest way she knew how.
There was no lack of conversation on either of our parts as we were both enjoying this SKYPE call. Eventually, as we realized that Frank had been delayed, Orlando did something else I was so impressed by - he asked me if I'd like to hear the ideas come to fruition and what had been decided for all of the other important pieces of the show - backdrops, costumes, stage movements, and more - right down to the material choices for the costumes!!
He proceeded to open that production notebook and he walked me through the ENTIRE musical - page by page, song by wonderful song. I saw colors - I saw actual pieces of the backdrops, I saw photos, costumes, fabrics and I knew with which song each of these items correlated. The more he showed me, and with the turn of each page, his excitement grew and matched my own.
The show was, as I fully expected it would be, a HUGE success. It was a lot of hard work and planning on the parts of both Frank and Orlando and the many others who freely gave of their time and talents. Palma would have been more than pleased with the result of the show. God was praised in a mighty way on the evening of 10-10-10; finally, the story she had worked on for such a long time had come to full artistic fruition. From my conversations with both Orlando and Frank, it was an emotional high for both of them for days after - to see an almost full house and to know that the necessary money was raised for the Jesus Alive ministry to help feed the poor throughout the Long Island area was truly an exciting accomplishment.
I have observed the continued work of Orlando Peña since 10-10-10; he has produced and choreographed many shows since that time to include Jungle Book, Les Mis, The Nutcracker Suite, of which Newsday writes "...Ovations Dance Repertory Company goes far east of the East end in its multicultural approach to "The Nutcracker." Performances at the Patchogue Theatre will include a segment of Indian bhangra music and dance." Quoted in the article, Ronnie Douchette, an Ovations board member states: "It exposes our audiences to other styles of music and culture, as well as hopefully bringing in some of the Indian community."
Currently in the works for Ovations Dance Repertory Company is "RENT," "Pinkalicious," "Blues Clues, Live!" and more!!! There's no slowing down for this talented and energetic performer, teacher and mentor.
I shared with Orlando an observation, recently. I checked out his Facebook page around the time of his birthday. I read post upon post upon post of sincere, loving greetings from adults, friends, family and students alike! All of them were wishing him the very best! And....inside those wishes there were HUGE amounts of love for him, expressed over and over again. He has touched so many lives. His art has enriched life after life. These birthday greetings....they told the story in a beautiful way.
I learned during a conversation with Frank back in March that the Jesus Alive ministries, along with Frank & Orlando were going to revive Palma's DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY? This time, it would be presented at Bay Shore Assembly of God Church, Bay Shore, NY. This is the church where, as I understand it, many rehearsals for the 10-10-10 show happened, and it is where Frank regularly leads the singing, as this is his home church.
The proceeds for this show will come back to benefit the students of Ovations Dance Repertory Company, a non-profit organization. That made me very happy when I learned about it.
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Martini - AKA Tim San Paolo |
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Center Stage - Frank Rendo & Orlando Pena |
It doesn't matter that I won't be there - it doesn't matter that there may not be another opportunity for me to participate in this specific show - none of that matters. What DOES matter to me is that someone really "got it" enough to know how extraordinarily important it would have been to me to become a part of this production of Palm's unmatchable music. I will forever be grateful to Orlando for his enthusiasm, and his confidence in my ability to get the job done - and for sticking his neck out to ask Frank to speak to me about it. Interestingly....Orlando had never even heard me sing, at that point. Remember this old cliche' - "...actions speak louder than words...?" This "action" was one single act of generosity that spoke VOLUMES to me. Of course I wish I'd been able to go and be on that stage performing Palma's music; nevertheless, I will always, humbly recall this sincere act of kindness as it meant so much to me. I told you.....he really "gets" it!!
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Orlando with some of his students |
Great thanks, too, to Frank Rendo for the invitation to stay with him while in NY. Much appreciated, Frank.
I know Palm is happy all of this is happening. I just wish she and Orlando could have met - they would have been fans of each other, and no doubt good, good friends. I can easily envision a brilliant collaboration between these three talents; Palma, Frank and Orlando. Much creativity comes from each of them and I would guess only better and better art would have come from a grouping like these three.

For now though, it's time to sign off for me. I have begun to pen a new blog about Palma's brilliant musical, BACHELOR BUTTONS which will be posted relatively soon. Also, don't forget to check out the blog dedicated to good friend Frank Rendo at
So from me, and I'm sure I can speak here for Palma Pascale. To you, Orlando - thank you for your dedication to the performing arts through your love for, and tremendous talent in the world of dance. You are making a difference in the lives of many!
I wish you all the very best!
Photographs courtesy of Orlando Pena, Frank Rendo, Sue Rosen, Tim San Paolo. Cover art for "In & Out of Love" by Dominick Avento III. Cover art for "This Must Be Heaven" by "Cousin" Lil Greiner.