Martini's Musings

Location: United States

Monday, September 27, 2010


A musical production based on the original 
music & lyrics of
Palma Pascale

It seemed so far away back in 2007 when Palm first mentioned the event slated for 10-10-10 she had been working diligently on for the Jesus Alive ministry of Long Island, NY.  Palma was excited about what could come out of this "production" as she called it - a big event on a catchy date - 10-10-10 created to help the Jesus Alive ministry in several ways:  monetarily, so they could continue to and perhaps expand the current ministry, and recognition-wise, to bring the important work of Jesus Alive to the fore, thinking that if more and more people knew of the wonderful works Jesus Alive was doing all over LI, perhaps they might come on board, themselves.

Jesus Alive was founded in 1992 by Gus and Gloria Schuck to help other Long Island ministries carry on their work, bringing hope and healing to people in need.  Jesus Alive events that occur throughout the year raise funds that enable those on the "front lines" to serve even better.  They help keep the lights on, the pantries filled, and the soup hot for many grassroots ministries from the East end of Long Island to New York City.

The emotional support, words of encouragement and prayer given to the volunteers who work tirelessly to make life a little better for their neighbors in distress is, in a word, priceless.

The hands and feet of Jesus, bringing the good news of God's love in practical and positive ways.....THAT'S Jesus Alive.

Palma Pascale
"Did You Talk To Him Today?" is a musical production that is based upon Palma Pascale's original music.  It will be performed at the Patchogue Theatre For The Performing Arts on 10-10-10.  Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and the curtain will rise promptly at 7:30 p.m.

"Did You Talk To Him Today?" will be an evening of song & dance that is sure to open and fill your hearts, and perhaps bring a tear or two to your eyes.

I have told this story before, but it bears repeating, here.  Palma was in the hospital early in 2009, and instead of complaining about it, she was writing new music for this show, as well as her new CD which she had been working on, THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.  

One day she phoned me, quite excited about the newest song she had just written - right there in her hospital bed.  She was so excited, in fact, that she sang it to me over the phone - this beautiful voice, so clear and strong, singing this song  to me that she  had only just written, without benefit of piano or any other backing music, right over the phone lines.  

I recall listening to and simply getting lost in this absolutely breathtaking song.  The lyrics were written as if sung by God to man, reminding us all that "All I Ever Taught You" was to love.  Palm went on, talking about the importance of this message.  She told me it just flowed from her pen when writing the lyrics and she knew it was a message God wanted her to share with others.  Palm knew this song was an important one.  I wonder, though, if she would have ever guessed just how important  the song & its message has become.

It's such a moving, powerful song.  The melody is just lovely & the final recorded song, found on her last Christian CD, THIS MUST BE HEAVEN is not fussy or overdone, but just a simple, flowing melody to get the story across to her listeners as best she could.

Performing "All I Ever Taught You"  for the big event will be the Production Supervisor of "Did You Talk To Him Today?" Frank Rendo. 

Frank Rendo
Frank is a well known Long Island minister of music.  He has a large fan-base, and he performs often at various venues on the Island.  A favorite spot which provides Frank a regular, monthly stage for his ministry is Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven in East Northport.  Owned and operated by the lovely Samantha Tetro, Frank performs there on the first Saturday night of each month.  

Frank and I have known each other since October of 2007, some three years, now.  He invited me to sing on one of his CD's, REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS, and I have done publicity for Frank since that time.  The blog I write about this tremendous artist can be found at  Frank is a good friend, a kind man, a generous spirit, a gentle soul.  He is extraordinarily  talented - his voice is a true gift from God. Frank has been ministering since his conversion in May of 1983.  After he graduated from Oral Roberts University with a BA in Theology, where he was chaplain and praise & worship leader, he became the music director for the music group Front Line, which toured the USA, France, Germany, Holland and Switzerland.  Next, he was involved with a trio called Epiphany, whose concert focus was to bring renewal to mainline denominations.  They toured the USA, Denmark & Israel.  He has since continued his solo ministry, and has recorded five (5) CD's to date:  HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THIS MAN?, SHINE, and 3 CD's under the musical direction of Palma Pascale--- the acclaimed REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS; plus INSPIRED~SONGS FROM BROADWAY AND FILM~, and DELIVER ME.  Frank always offers his audiences a heartfelt and sincere musical presentation with powerful messages of hope, strength, comfort and inspiration that are conveyed through every note he sings.  Frank has been associated with the Jesus Alive ministry for the past 18 years.

Through this last year, since the tragic death of our mutual, irreplaceable friend and colleague, Palma Pascale, Frank and I have had many long conversations about this production, and Palma's music, in general.  Frank made a promise to fulfill Palma's vision for this production - a task that at one time seemed monumental & daunting.  I could understand why - Palma had big plans, and Frank has most successfully executed those plans, just as he promised.  It wasn't easy - there have been innumerable challenges and struggles along the way, yet....he persevered.  He had many good friends, like me, who continued to support him in any way we could - even if it was only in conversation or encouragement that all of this was in Divine Order, and that this production would manifest into a most meaningful show that will be well attended, and will fulfill Palma's dream of praising God and providing money for the people in need on Long Island through the efforts of Jesus Alive.

Because first and foremost, Palma's intention for this show was to give praise and honor to Jesus Christ, our Lord.  For as much as Palma will be remembered for this wonderful production, and her music will carry on long after this show has been performed, it was not penned to bring recognition to her....she only hoped to bring glory and honor to God through the music and the messages.  She hoped, as I mentioned, to bring the work of Jesus Alive to the attention of many, that Jesus Alive might expand and grow in its most important ministry to help feed the poor on Long Island.

Orlando Pena
Frank was really blessed by the collaboration of this next fellow, the Artistic Director, Choreographer and Co-producer, Orlando Pena.   Orlando is the artistic director of Ovations Dance Academy Inc., and founder of OVATIONS DANCE REPERTORY COMPANY, a non-profit organization, in 1992.

Orlando has toured the US and Europe, performing and choreographing with numerous companies.  As a principle dancer for five years with the Windermere Theatre, he has toured with National companies of The Music Man, Sophisticated Ladies, On Your Toes and A Chorus Line, as well as Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber's Starlight Express in Bochum, Germany. He has directed and choreographed full musical theatre productions of Anything Goes, South Pacific, The Wizard of Oz and CATS on Long Island, and has worked on Gala events with Long Island Pulse Magazine.  Orlando has been on the faculty at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and was an adjunct Tap and Tap History Instructor at Stony Brook University.  His original choreography has won him rave reviews.  He is a member of the Actor's Equity Association.  His website:

Choral Music is under the direction of Gary Wilson.  Gary has been the choir director of the Jesus Alive Choir since 2006.  Gary has done an outstanding job in his role.

Also featured will be:  Maureen Arasmo, Al Barbarino, Dona Cabone, Andy Cooney, Patrizia DiLorenzo, Yulanda K. Jones, The Glorification Singers, The Jesus Alive Choir, Fr. Charles & Laurie Mangano, Rev. Deborah Mitchell, Rev. Karen Orlando, Jennifer Ortiz, Paul Paoli, Frank Rendo & Emily Vaeth, along with the Ovations Dance Repertory Company and the Jesus Alive Dancers.

Some of the magnificent compositions written by talented Palma Pascale to be featured this night include:  Standing on the Shoulders, The Golden Rope of Jesus, Let Go, Let God, A Room in My Heart, You Couldn't Mean Me, All I Ever Taught You, and A Better Plan.  There are 21 selections in all, from Palma's two Christian CD's, THE BROKEN CUP & THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.

Tickets are going fast, yet some remain available at the present time.  There are several ways to obtain tickets:

By Phone:  1-877-77CLICK
Box Office:  71 East Main Street, Patchogue, NY

Fred Guarino
Besides the featured artists, the dancers and choir members, of which there are many, there was a variety of other people who helped a great deal and worked very hard to ensure Palma's vision came to fruition.  People like my sweet friend, Jackie Carey, who is the Captain of the Jesus Alive Dancers, who spent many hours helping Frank in various ways.   Thank you Jackie for your unwavering support, and positive, go-forward attitude -  Fred Guarino of Tiki Recording Studios in Glen Cove, NY, who was at the ready to assist Frank in any way possible - Fred's generosity to Frank and the Jesus Alive Organization has been abundant.  Frank was supported by others - Domineck Avento III, Jim DeMar, Laurie Mangano, Diana Petit, Rev. Ruth Dunn Widemann, Carol Wilson and yes, yours truly, and more.   It takes a village, after all!  Thank you, one and all, for your work and dedication to this project and to your friend, Frank Rendo.  He needed, and certainly appreciated your support.....I know.

Palma Pascale & Jackie Carey
It is with a heavy heart that I've prepared this blog today, as I had hoped to be able to get to Long Island and be there to celebrate this accomplishment with Frank and Orlando, Jackie, Fred and all the others I've yet to meet, and to watch the magnificent performances of the artists and cast.  Praising God by way of this musical event was so incredibly important to Palma, and her vision for this wonderful production will soon become reality.

It is through the generosity of Fred Guarino that permission has been granted to have the show professionally videotaped for sale so that people may be able to enjoy it far past this one night.  Thanks, Fred, for allowing this to happen.  Though I won't be able to attend this gala event in person, I can now, at least, get to see the vision realized with my own eyes.

Since her death on September 8, 2009, from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, it has been my desire to help with any and all of the unfinished pieces of Palma's musical life.  There were two records to be completed, and two tribute shows to be done throughout this year, besides this production of Did You Talk To Him Today?  It was Fred Guarino who afforded me the opportunity to help finish Palm's CD, THIS MUST BE HEAVEN, and I have continued to work with both Fred and Frank on projects that will be ongoing throughout the years.  It has truly been a pleasure to me to be involved in some way.

Frank Rendo, Tim San Paolo, Fred Guarino
Personally, I want to thank Fred for all he has done with and for Palm and her music. Your knowledge of Palm's work, and your guidance to her in her recording of it, is to be admired.  Thank you, Fred.  To Jackie Carey for your countless hours of work, and your valuable help with many of Palma's projects; for your continued encouragement to Frank, and others, and for your powerfully strong faith.  To Gary Wilson, thank you for your direction of the Jesus Alive Choir and your collaboration with Frank Rendo on this specific project - I know you, too, have spent countless hours working with the choir...besides,  anyone who was able to make heads or tails out of the choral charts I sent  knows how to work magic, I'm sure!  To Orlando Pena, though we have never met face-to-face, I am so grateful to you for your hard work and the long hours of prep time, meeting time, work time to ensure the artistic direction was carried-out to the best of everyone's abilities, whether or not they were truly "dancers."  You continued to instruct and lead everyone, and your efforts in supporting Frank were significant.  Thank you, Orlando.

Finally, as they say, last but certainly not least, I want to express my most sincere appreciation to my friend, Frank Rendo, for never taking "no" or "it can't be done" as a final answer to any part of this vision Palma shared with him.  If it was something that Palm wanted, though personally painful at times, Frank persevered to ensure Palm's entire vision was carried-out in the best way he knew how.  Thank you, Frank...this past year has never been without its challenges - trying to find time to grieve the loss of such a wonderful friend, and at the same time getting her Worship album completed and made available to the public, working with Fred and I on completing THIS MUST BE HEAVEN, performing in both, and completely planning and executing the second tribute concert for Palm, and taking on the supervising production of this incredible production of Did You Talk To Him Today?  I feel certain that nothing you worked so hard on and fought so diligently for will be for naught.  And everyone who sees the production will benefit in multiple ways:  Praising God, at the same time, increasing awareness of those doing God's work right there on Long Island - it's the wish Palma had that has now come to life!  It couldn't have happened without your time, your perseverance, your understanding of theatre productions, and most of all, your willingness to be certain the show fulfilled Palma's dream of what it should be, and what it needed to do!  You've given immensely of yourself.  Thank you for that, because I do know how special this piece of the puzzle was to Palma - a piece that now fits perfectly in the overall design of her life.....thanks to you!

To everyone who is participating in the actual show, as well as everyone involved "behind the scenes" I send a piece of my heart.  Without each one of you, this presentation wouldn't be possible.  I knew, as did Frank, just how important this production was to our dear, dear friend Palma Pascale, and each of you has had a part in making her dream become a reality.  I can't thank you enough.

Stay tuned and check in often here at Martini's Musings.  I will be attempting to redesign Palm's current website just after the first of the year, and will tie the blog even closer to the new website so everyone can know the exquisite music of Long Island's musical treasure......Palma Pascale.

Oh, and by the way, "Did You Talk To Him today?  Well, you really should!"


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

In Memory
Palma A. Pascale
1950 ~ 2009
"One Year Later"
Dedicated to "Cousin" Lil Greiner

Palma Pascale

My cell phone was on my nightstand where it had been every night for the previous few nights.  It rang right at 5:30 am. the morning of September 8, 2009.  I was certain I knew who was calling at that hour, and why.  I so hoped I was wrong, but I was sure it was Frank Rendo...and it was.  And the news he delivered was that our Palma had passed away about 1/2 hour prior.  Frank told me he was holding Palma's hand when she died.  I immediately got a visual of that, and it has remained with me ever since.  

We didn't need to talk further, and anyway, neither of us could.

That was a day I will not soon forget.  I was expecting this call from Frank - knew it was coming - but it didn't make hearing the news any easier or any less painful.  It sort of takes your breath away, news like this, as prepared for it as you might be.

I knew I had a task to perform that day, and I could not put it off.  There were people depending on me, just as I so depended on Frank, to deliver this news.

The community at  what was first known as "Carpenters Online," one of the largest fansites on the Internet all about any and everything "Carpenters" had been depending on me for news, good or bad, regarding Palma's condition, and I tried to keep them updated as much as possible.  See, the website had a forum attached to it, which remains active even today, at what is now known as "Karen and Richard Carpenter Avenue."  The former website and the forum are both run by Rick Henry of Southern California.  It was Rick who tracked Palma down in order to interview her for the website, in 2005.  That interview is reprinted in full within this blog, thanks to permission of Rick Henry.

Palma Pascale
In the vocal isolation booth
Tiki Recording Studios
The forum members loved Palma, each in their own way.  Palma was eager to embrace this community of followers and she did what no other celebrity had done, she told her story of how she happened to connect with and subsequently write for the biggest pop duo of the 1970's - the Carpenters.  Palma lovingly included as many details as was possible.  Plus, Palma remained a rather active member of the forum, answering questions and enjoying new cyber friendships.  The members fell in love with the little lady composer from New York.

I recall one forum member who Palm conversed with often found themselves on Long Island, close to Palma's home shortly after her cancer diagnosis, which she shared with each of us, as well, and he contacted me to see if I thought it would okay to call Palma and say hello.  Ha - anyones guess, but I assured him that she would kindly let him know if the time WASN'T right.  Dave did call her, and they spoke for over an hour.  I was later told by both parties how nice of a conversation it was, and how much each of them enjoyed the other.

Some of the detail Palm shared with us included the introduction of a best friend - her cousin, Lil (Greiner) who quickly became known as  "Cousin Lil" to us.  I am dedicating this blog to Cousin Lil, in fact.  I know that she misses Palma terribly, and Palm told me time and again that she and "Cousin Lil" were very close....more like sisters than cousins, and certainly very close friends.

It was "Cousin Lil" who first bought the LP "HORIZON", and called Palm to tell her she'd purchased it, and it had Palm's song on it.  Palm rushed to her home, and ending up at one of Lil's neighbor's home, they listened together the first time Palma ever heard her song as recorded by Karen and Richard Carpenter.  Then, Palma tells the story she left in a hurry, and TOOK THE LP WITH HER!  Poor "Cousin Lil" never did get her LP back, as I understood it.  Oh, that Palma!  Oofah!

It was "Cousin Lil" who did the graphic design of three of Palma's CD's - THE BROKEN CUP, I'LL LEAVE YOU THE MUSIC, and THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.  Each of these designs are beautifully done and executed.  Lil, thank you for letting us share a bit of the musical Palma with you, and all the Pascale family.

So, because of Rick Henry's inclusion of Palma's four-part interview, I ordered THE BROKEN CUP and the rest, as they say, is history - all well documented within the 45 posts that comprise this blog I write for Palma.

My task this day, then, was to do as I had been doing for close to two years:  I needed to write a post which would inform these friends that Palma had died.  I needed to try and help them understand while I, myself, was filled with questions.  Palm always loved it that I "got it" so often where she and her music and lyrics were concerned....but not this time.  I don't get why it had to be her, at all.  It didn't make any sense to me - still doesn't.

Nevertheless, I did notify these forum members - some personally, and others as a group via the forum.  Some of the replies to that posting were incredibly touching and poignant.  It wasn't just difficult for me to digest this - everyone seemed to have a bit of difficulty comprehending Palma's death.  It just didn't seem right. 

That afternoon, I got a call from Fred Guarino.  Not certain whether or not I'd been informed, he wanted to be sure I knew about Palma, and as difficult as that call was to make, he did so...and I was so glad to have the opportunity to just touch base with him.  Frank, Fred and I had been keeping this "vigil" together - these two men were so kind to me, keeping me as "in the loop" as anyone could be.  Fred and Palm worked very closely together for more than 25 years.  Palm was a familiar face around Tiki Recording Studios - not only because she recorded her own material there, but because of all the others that had Palma work on their recordings, as well.  So this was the end of a fantastic professional working relationship for Fred, as well as a tragic personal loss, as the two of them were close friends, too.  I know it was a tough thing for Fred to make that call, and I'll never forget that he did it.  I appreciate you a lot, Fred.  Thank you.

Palma Pascale & Fred Guarino
There was a lot to think about that I took care of for Palm, and things I needed to do - there was the website - Palma's Shoutlife Page  and MySpace page - Facebook pages would need attention, too.  My blog (this one) would need to be updated and at some point in a discussion with Frank Rendo, I decided to write an article for the newspaper Newsday, regarding Palma. I kept looking for an obituary as the days went past, and nothing ever appeared.  So the article I'd written could be used as an obit, yet Newsday never responded to requests by me, or from Frank.

Palma Pascale & Herb Magtoto
Palma, Frank and Fred met a man who is now a mutual friend, Mr. Herb Magtoto,  at a meet and greet for Martin Nievera in New York shortly after I had finally tracked Martin down, because Palm wanted to meet this man who recorded a live YouTube Video (beautifully, I might add) of LOVE ME FOR WHAT I AM, and who had recorded the song on two of his catalogue of CD's.  Herb was at that Meet and Greet, and through Palma and later Martin, I was introduced to him, as well.  After the Meet and Greet, Palma, Frank and Jackie Carey, another of Palm's close friends and one of her selfless caregivers, went to the concert Martin was doing in Atlantic city.  The trio was invited then to the after party where everyone had a really grand time.  Martin was generous to a fault, and very giving, and when he introduced Palma from the stage that day, it thrilled Palma very much.  (As Martin introduced Palm, she stood and blew kisses to her adoring fans).  It was a day for the record books.  

Palma Pascale & Martin Nievera
I tell that story because it was Mr. Magtoto who not only agreed to publish my story in The Chronical, his own Philippine Newspaper - he also contacted several other publishers and the story went out in both The Filipino Express, and Planet Philippines.  Both of these articles reside on the wall in my music studio.  We were (are) so grateful to Herb for helping us spread a positive word about this amazing composer and friend.

The next few days were miserable for me.  I would have loved to have gone to Long Island for all of the services, stories, shared tears and laughter surrounding Palma, and to share this time of deep grief with my friends, there but, alas - it was not meant to be.  The miserable part for me was not only not being able to be there, but not knowing what was happening.  

Tim San Paolo & Palma Pascale
I'll have to say, though, that after each event, I was either called or e-mailed with as thorough of a description of the events that had happened, music that was played, who was there , etc. by not only Frank, who had been a gem to keep me informed over the prior year of Palma's condition - and Fred, who was also instrumental in keeping me briefed; but also from other friends I'd met while there - Diana Pettit and Dominick Avento III both wrote to advise me of their take on the events.  I really appreciated each of them so much for doing that.

And then, reality began to set in a bit more and a bit more as the days passed.  The news got less from Long Island - the calls and e-mails got less frequent, and the reality that I would no longer hear from my Long Island composer friend - and the fact that there would be no more music coming was becoming as real AND as painful as it gets.  Palm had kept me in a steady supply of her recorded compositions - she would time it so that every few months I would get a new treat from her in the mail - first one pop CD, then another (and as an aside - I received the very first I'LL LEAVE YOU THE MUSIC CD after the pop collection was broken down from a two-volume CD to two separate CD's - how bout that?) and then I got the musicals, and on it went like that.  So much fun, and so much to listen to and decipher.  

It was September when Fred had the idea of me doing some arrangements for the songs Palm hadn't had enough time to complete for THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.  And, it was in October, then, when I flew to Long Island to finish my work at Tiki on the CD Fred had been working on so hard to finish for Palma.  That was an important trip in many ways.  Helping to finalize this SPECIAL album, where Palm once again shared stories for us, her listeners that she had lived - that she knew so well - about human nature and living, and....about dying as well.  I was a part of this incredibly important piece of Palma Pascale's legacy, and I am beyond words grateful to Fred Guarino for asking me to be.

Laurie Mangano, Bobbie Ruth, Barry Levy, Patrizia DiLorenzo
Jackie Carey, Al Barbarino, Frank Rendo
During this past year, musicians who had worked closely with Palma in one way or another, as well as some of Palma's friends, executed two tribute concerts in her memory.  The first tribute concert was held on Saturday, November 21st at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethpage, NY and featured an interpretive dance performed by Jackie Carey, as well as the following performers, each doing one of Palma's own compositions:  Frank Rendo, Al Barbarino, Laurie Mangano, Bobbie Ruth and Barry Levy, and Patrizia DiLorenzo.  The tribute concert was sold out, standing room only, and there was a substantial waiting list.  This was also the night that Palma's THIS MUST BE HEAVEN CD was officially released.
Patrizia DiLorenzo, Bobbie Ruth, Laurie Mangano
Jackie Carey, Frank Rendo, Al Barbarino

Now, a second "command performance" concert became necessary.  It was difficult to get  calendar dates for all of the same performers on the same night, yet finally the date May 14th seemed to be a "go" for the second tribute to occur, this time to be held at Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven, in East Northport.  It was another sold out evening of musical tribute to our Palma.

In January of this year, Palma's very last album was released.  It is called "I WORSHIP YOU" and it is such a rich CD - rich in that it is such a personal read by Palma - just that strong but gentle voice with piano accompaniment, only.  Nothing fancy - but one can hear for themselves how "real" the talent behind the composer was.  These recordings were only intended to be guide tracks for another artist who wanted to do them.  Palm sat and played and sang each of these songs in order to help this other artist understand how the songs should sound.  

The recordings are so pure and so simple - not overdone, I mean - and for guide tracks, they are amazingly beautiful and the true value of the stories comes across so easily - effortlessly, it seems.

Palma had absolutely NO intention of releasing these recordings.  But, after hearing them for the first time, fellow recording artist and good friend Frank Rendo persuaded her to release them as a Worship Album to which Palma agreed, and requested that Frank finish the task after hear death, which he did.

I will be doing a concert in tribute to Palma in October.  It will feature songs from both THE BROKEN CUP and THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.  I'm looking forward to "showing off" her work and of course, to remembering her via her own compositions.

Tim San Paolo
Frank Rendo
Frank Rendo dedicated his September 4, Saturday night at Samantha's concert to Palma as a final, personal tribute to her.  Frank was fortunate enough to record with Palm both on his own 3 CD's they recorded together, as well as on other songs Palm composed and recorded.  They worked well together.  Frank's tribute included songs from his own ~INSPIRED~, REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS, and DELIVER ME, plus Palma's THE BROKEN CUP and THIS MUST BE HEAVEN.

It seems like it's been one thing after another.  Palma left a void in our lives - a chasm so deep it will take a great deal of time to heal, and I doubt it ever will, completely.  Personally not a day has passed that I haven't thought about Palm; her life, and her music.

Now, one major event remains - this one was very, very important to Palma on many levels.  Palm believed in helping others - she was quite an activist and cat rescuer.....she didn't just talk about it, she lived it - and she believed in helping people, too, when she could - when she was able.  Palma "gave back" when it was possible for her to do so.  She wanted to help the ministry of Jesus Alive, who help feed the poor all over Long Island and before she dies, again, she asked Frank Rendo to carry on with the production of this show.  Palma was most instrumental in helping to create this mega event coming up on 10-10-10.  Jesus Alive will present "Did You Talk To Him Today?" which is a musical "playlet" with original music written by Palma.  This gala night will be held at the Patchogue Theatre For The Performing Arts in Patchogue, NY.

As he promised, Frank is supervising the production, with artistic direction and choreography lead by Olando Pena, founder and director of Ovations Dance Academy, Inc., and the Jesus Alive Choir under the baton of Gary Wilson.

Guest artists include:  Maureen Arasmo, Al Barbarino, Dona Cabone, Andy Cooney, Patrizia DiLorenzo, The Glorification Singers, The Jesus Alive Choir, Fr. Charles and Laurie Mangano, Yulanda Jones, Rev. Deborah Mitchell, Rev. Karen Orlando, Paul Paoli, Frank Rendo and Emily Vaeth along with Ovations Dance Repertory Company and the Jesus Alive Dancers.

This event has been years in the planning and on 10-10-10, Palma's vision comes to fruition.  Frank has been diligent in getting this to happen.  I've observed it all, over the past year - it hasn't been an easy task.  Yet, on 10-10-10, it will be realized, and I'm certain it will be to a full house.

You can obtain tickets from the theatre by phone at 1-877-77CLICK - Online at, or at the box office - 71 East Main Street, Patchogue, NY.

Tim San Paolo & Palma Pascale
So, this brings me to the end of my story, for this time.  I'm sitting here wondering what happens from here?  I have much more music to write about, and I plan to do just that.  I have no clever ending this time around, and I suppose what I'd like to do is just say "thank you" to Palma for being my teacher in many ways, being a mentor to me, and for her ever flowing humor, even during some of her toughest days - and of course, most of all, for her love and friendship.  

I do need to add two important pieces before I go.  The first is my personal condolences to the Pascale family, as Palma's mother Anne, died only months after Palma herself passed.  Anne Pascale died in late April of this year - yet another sad event for this family.
Palma Pascale

And finally, I want to make you aware that plans are in motion to re-do Palma's current website, beginning around the first of next year.  Stop by here, and stop by there often for continued updates - anecdotes, and more information about the music.

We love you, and we miss you terribly, Palma.  You will always be in our hearts.

"...Safe in His arms so peacefully......and here in my heart, I'll keep you with me...."

Photos courtesy of:  Tim San Paolo, Frank Rendo, Lil Greiner, Dominick Avento III, Sue Rosen, Joanna San Paolo, Rick Henry.